Me when I make an OleanderAU Strawpage lmao

<bad people

Supporting cast

Everyone’s best friend. She’s the number one hype-man for the Ninth and Second. She wants the best for them, but she’s a little out of touch and doesn’t realize she’s backing the wrong horse.

The number one hater of businessmen and doctors. She may be a supporting character, but only because she wants to spite the Second. She wishes him the absolute worst.

Mwah <3

They hate each other so much but they hold hands regardless because they’re both too stubborn to give up on their relationship >>

You know, the emotional support feel-bad au

The Playlist

Dear Doctor, Mine

Madame Macabre


Mother Mother

Secret Goldfish


People Eater



Get Scared

Animal Cannibal

Possibly in Michigan

Me and Mr Wolf

The Real Tuesday Weld

Love You Like An Alcoholic 

The Taxpayers

Hang the Bastard

Cannibal: the Musical

Unwed Henry

American Murder Song

Sweet Rosalie

American Murder Song

Butcher Vanity

Vane Lily



Main Cast

The Doctor and the Regrator.

The Doctor is a scholar, a man of science. He is usually busy with his studies. When he’s not studying, he’s working on a side project. He loves robotics and questionable genetic testing. (Also he eats ppl.)

The Regrator, as the Doctor’s business partner, funds his projects. He usually ends up taking part in those projects one way or another. He seems rational,, at first. Give him some time and he’ll say the wildest things and pardon some inexcusable behavior.

I keep forgetting to mention that this is a horror au.

This specific Segment has a bad habit of getting himself and the Regrator into trouble.

He’s different enough from his source, but he still has a few of the same tendencies. He’s not nearly as awful, however. He’s much kinder.

He practically worships the very ground the Ninth walks on.

The Dendro Archon.

Cursed by her own morbid curiosity, she still checks in with the Doctor sometimes through the dreamscape. She has long discussions with him, and they debate about the nature of Teyvat itself. 

She can’t resist. She finally met somebody that genuinely frightens her for her safety, and she feels that she must learn more about him.

Sideplot Summary:

Archon Antics

The thing about the Doctor is that he knows quite well how uncomfortable he makes Buer. She sees him as a threat, and he uses that to his advantage. He’s aware she only visits through dreams because it’s convenient and she knows she won’t be hurt there, but her confidence in that fact entertains the Second greatly.

He knows he can’t physically hurt her in the dreamscape, but he goes out of his way to get under her skin while discussing his questionable research habits and functional treatments. He enjoys these discussions, really. He feels as if the only scholar worthy of his time is the Archon herself. She may not enjoy his studies, but she continues their dream meetups in the pursuit of knowledge. She always leaves horrified, yet somewhat impressed, but mostly disgusted.

Sideplot Summary:

“Surely it’s Not Cheating if it’s a Clone, Right?”

Perhaps the Regrator has spent too much time in the lab. He’s even picked a favorite Segment. A lot of them look alike, but this one always takes good care of himself, for the most part at least. This one is dedicated mostly to post-work cleanup, so he doesn’t often get to assist in experiments. Maybe that’s part of what caught the Ninth’s attention. 

Beyond flattered by the attention, this Segment gets incredibly excited when he knows the Ninth is visiting. Sometimes he’ll sneak off when the Doctor is busy just to check in and see what the Regrator’s up to. He knows quite well what the consequences of being caught are, but he’s a Segment, and holds the same audacity his source has. Consequences are of no concern to him, usually. 

Pantalone makes up excuses in his head, just in case they’re ever found out. The main one being “Surely it’s not a problem if he’s a clone! It’s practically the same thing.” He’s… also aware that this argument won’t hold up.